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Brighton Observatory of Environment & Economics

Adaptation to climate change is a journey we must all take: our peoples and communities, our businesses and economy, and our government.


BOEE is The New Zealand Centre for Adaptation. 


Adapting to climate change will improve our quality of life, supporting both the economy and the environment.

The impact of the effects of climate change on our economy, people, environment, and reputation is one of the greatest threats we face. 

Doing Homework

We must evolve what we do to the new conditions and situations in which we find ourselves.

This is the opportunity of a lifetime, perhaps the only opportunity in this lifetime, to upgrade our businesses and our economy.

Brighton Observatory of Environment & Economics Trust is a charity registered in NZ,, (#CC58284)

We exist to facilitate communities, businesses and governments to successfully adapt to the effects of climate change..



we would like to thank the following for their funding support.

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